Emoji of the Day
Emoji of the Day Each day, Monday-Friday, beginning September 4 through October 6, an emoji will be posted on SECC’s social media sites. 1. Visit https://www.facebook.com/MISECC/ or https://twitter.com/MISECC each day…
SECC Open Enrollment
Sign up for a one-time or recurring payroll deduction. Make a pledge today. Donations will begin with your first pay in January 2024. MI HR Self-Service Log-in MI HR Service…
SECC Virtual Charity Spotlight: Mental Health + Health Services
Building stronger communities and taking action to improve health and well-being through giving opportunities, causes, volunteering, and health resources. Charities include: Creating Healthier Communities (CHC), Heart of West Michigan United Way, Pine Rest Christian Mental Health Services, Action for Healthy Kids Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82490486856?pwd=bkd4alM2UjB1ZnVhRXRKWU9pTitLZz09 Meeting ID: 824 9048 6856 Passcode: 362834