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The 2024-2025 Campaign is sponsored in part by MSUFCU. State Employees are eligible for membership.

To sign up for payroll deduction donations, visit HR Self-Service or contact the MI HR Service Center at 877-766-6447.

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MI State Employees Charitable Campaign

MI State Employees Charitable Campaign

At employees of the State of Michigan can make annual contributions that support the

#secccharityspotlight: At the Humane Society of Saginaw County, we rescue, shelter, medically treat and eventually place severely neglected and sick rescue dogs and cats, providing no cost spay/neuter, vaccines and medical treatment. You can support this charity through the SECC. Donate today! #MISECC #SocialGood #Nonprofit #MakeADifference #Philanthropy

#secccharityspotlight: At the Humane Society of Saginaw County, we rescue, shelter, medically treat and eventually place severely neglected and sick rescue dogs and cats, providing no cost spay/neuter, vaccines and medical treatment. You can support this charity through the SECC. Donate today! #MISECC #socialgood #nonprofit #MakeaDifference #philanthropy ... See MoreSee Less

7 hours ago
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#secccharityspotlight: Bat Conservation International's mission is to conserve the world's bats and their ecosystems to ensure a healthy planet. You can support this charity through the #MISECC. #socialgood #nonprofit #MakeaDifference #philanthropy #Halloween #batconservation
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16 hours ago

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