SECC Staff and Leadership
Steering Committee
Ross Martin, SECC Chair, Treasury
Allison Wardlaw, SECC Vice Chair, Department of Technology, Management and Budget
Kelly Barnett, Union Representative, President - UAW Local 6000
Charisse Blanks, Civil Service Commission
Bob Kopasz, State Employee Retirees Association
Kathleen Rubie, Office of the State Employer
Teri Sims, Department of Health and Human Services
SECC Staff
Heather S. Travis, SECC Program Director | 517-664-9800
*The Michigan Association of United Ways (MAUW) serves as the fiscal agent for the State Employees Charitable Campaign.
To sign up for payroll deduction donations, visit HR Self-Service or contact the MI HR Service Center at 877-766-6447.
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MI State Employees Charitable Campaign
At employees of the State of Michigan can make annual contributions that support the