Emoji of the Day
Emoji of the Day Each day, Monday-Friday, beginning September 4 through October 6, an emoji will be posted on SECC’s social media sites. 1. Visit https://www.facebook.com/MISECC/ or https://twitter.com/MISECC each day…
SECC Open Enrollment
Sign up for a one-time or recurring payroll deduction. Make a pledge today. Donations will begin with your first pay in January 2024. MI HR Self-Service Log-in MI HR Service…
SECC Virtual Charity Spotlight: Food Insecurity
Charities include: United Way for Southeastern Michigan, Greater Lansing Food Bank, South Michigan Food Bank Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85185342026?pwd=UWhhVkZUNnB5MFE0c0FONE9lVExmQT09 Meeting ID: 851 8534 2026 Passcode: 955098
SECC Virtual Charity Spotlight: Youth Development + Education
Charities include: United Way of the Lakeshore, Black United Fund Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86037514619?pwd=cDVZeGZuaHYrV2VjUzYwNkZSeVlyQT09 Meeting ID: 860 3751 4619 Passcode: 683626
5 Minutes to ‘Win It’
These calls will be speedy. At the start of each call we will provide a question or clue in the chat box. Visit www.misecc.org to quickly find the answer. The…
SECC Virtual Charity Spotlight: Utility Assistance
Marshall Street Armory 330 Marshall Street, Lansing, United StatesCharities include: United Way of South Central Michigan, United Way for Southeastern Michigan - Utility Initiative, Central MI 2-1-1 Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82893834038?pwd=a1NhQzZIWHErUGMwMWtVSHpsYUpjZz09 Meeting ID: 828 9383 4038 Passcode: 362199
Emoji of the Day
Emoji of the Day Each day, Monday-Friday, beginning September 2 through October 4, an emoji will be posted on SECC’s social media sites. 1. Visit https://www.facebook.com/MISECC/ or https://twitter.com/MISECC each day of the campaign to…
SECC Open Enrollment
September 3, 2023 - October 4, 2023 Sign up for a one-time or recurring payroll deduction. Make a pledge today. Donations will begin with your first pay in January 2025. MI HR…
SECC Virtual Charity Spotlight – Financial Security
TOPIC AREA: ALICE: Asset Limited Income Constrained Employed TITLE: Financial Security Join us every Tuesday and Thursday from 10-10:30 a.m. from September 3 - October 4 to hear from SECC…
SECC Volunteer Check-in
Heather Travis is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Join Zoom Meeting Check in weekly to see how campaign is going, share ideas with other department coordinators and get…