Event Series Emoji of the Day

Emoji of the Day

Emoji of the Day Each day, Monday-Friday, beginning September 4 through October 6, an emoji will be posted on SECC’s social media sites. 1. Visit https://www.facebook.com/MISECC/ or https://twitter.com/MISECC each day…

SECC Open Enrollment

Sign up for a one-time or recurring payroll deduction. Make a pledge today. Donations will begin with your first pay in January 2024. MI HR Self-Service Log-in MI HR Service…

SECC Virtual Charity Spotlight: Housing

Marshall Street Armory 330 Marshall Street, Lansing, United States

Housing is a huge issue in the Mid-Michigan area. This discussion will highlight several current programs that are assisting residents and keeping them out of the shelter system. Charities include:…

SECC Virtual Charity Spotlight: Environmental Protection and Conservation

Join EarthShare and our nonprofit partners to learn more about how we are tackling issues that affect each of us, from clean air and water, to our food systems, to climate change, to the outdoor places where we play, and so much more. Charities include: Friends of the Rouge, Michigan United Conservation Clubs, Earthjustice and…

SECC Virtual Charity Spotlight: Mental Health + Health Services

Building stronger communities and taking action to improve health and well-being through giving opportunities, causes, volunteering, and health resources. Charities include: Creating Healthier Communities (CHC), Heart of West Michigan United Way, Pine Rest Christian Mental Health Services, Action for Healthy Kids Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82490486856?pwd=bkd4alM2UjB1ZnVhRXRKWU9pTitLZz09 Meeting ID: 824 9048 6856 Passcode: 362834

SECC Virtual Charity Spotlight: Housing Part II

Housing is a huge issue in the Mid-Michigan area. This discussion will highlight several current programs that are assisting residents and keeping them out of the shelter system. Charities include: Ronald McDonald House Charities Mid-Michigan, Safe Place and AYA Youth Housing Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82277807309?pwd=bTY0ZWYwZ1FqSCtRYThqWmxRN0IwZz09 Meeting ID: 822 7780 7309 Passcode: 132381