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All Day
Emoji of the Day
Emoji of the Day Each day, Monday-Friday, beginning September 2 through October 4, an emoji will be posted on SECC’s social media sites. 1. Visit https://www.facebook.com/MISECC/ or https://twitter.com/MISECC each day of the campaign to…
SECC Open Enrollment
September 3, 2023 - October 4, 2023 Sign up for a one-time or recurring payroll deduction. Make a pledge today. Donations will begin with your first pay in January 2025. MI HR…
SECC Virtual Charity Spotlight – Improving Housing and Shelter
TOPIC AREA: Housing and Shelter TITLE: Housing and Shelter Join us every Tuesday and Thursday from 10-10:30 a.m. from September 3 - October 4 to hear from SECC charity partners and learn about all of the great work they are doing in your community and across the globe. Each 30-minute session will highlight different charities…